lancearmstrong Race update - @levi_leipheimer, @hornerakg, and myself are racing the Nevada City Classic next Sunday. A great American race!!!
This Blog will discuss various anecdotal topics about the Post "Peak Everything" world from my daily life in which I am clearly "Holier Than Thou". Note that even the holierthanthou blog name peaked before this blog started...
You'll be there for real?
Lance is racing. I'd love to go watch but not sure I can pull it off.
There is a masters category but it's open racing. My friend, who is a reasonably fit Cat-4 but not threatening to move up, entered. He was dropped immediately.
Take the family and make it a day - it's a great race and a cool town. Leave the bike at home - unless you're feeling uber-fit and ready to suffer, that is. :)
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