This was a bit disconcerting to me. I had just purchased a couple of cucumber and zucchini starts - given that I had killed the cucumber starts I had planted and the snails took out my zucchini. She laid down three rows of bean seeds, taking up half of one of my precious raised beds as I watched in horror. With one of the beds half gone due to a gigantic lavender plant this meant I was down half of my beds before i even started. (I have attempted to rip out the Lavender but my wife protests - we have 16 lavender plants in another section of the yard!). There are two tomato plants in the raised beds and they take up a lot of space, and cast shade on anything near them. I found some place to slap the zucchini in, and later just put the cucumber next to the bean seeds.
Thing is, beans shouldn't grow in the heat we get in Healdsburg. She planted them too close together. And I had sowed direct seed into the beds trying to get dill, cliantro, basil, you name it and the snails all got the tiny plants. These beans weren't going anywhere.

Either that or they were going to go completely nuts. This picture taken *after* I thinned them back a bit.
At least I do have the first tomato setting on the plants.

The garden had a special guest too!

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